Team stats (2017-2018-w)

You can also consult the league's online stats:

Our team-specific, manually maintained version follows:

Game number
Date and time
Late game? 0/0
Win / loss / tie 0 - 0 - 0
Shots (R.Pylons) 0
Shots (opponent) 0
Score (R.Pylons) 0
Score (opponent) 0

Key to the stats table

GP games played
QR qualified regular player: min 5 regular season games
QS qualified spare player: min 5 regular season games, but see status
status whether qualified for the playoffs: see eligibility rules below, in particular for >=2 points violation (spare, regular season) or >=1 (playoffs)
shots shots on goal
SV saves
%SV save percentage
GA goals against
GAA goals against average
PV points violation: spares: >= 3 points, which contribute to >= 60% of the team's goals
G goals
A assists
P points
PPG points per game
P points

Eligibility rules

The DWHL 's eligibility rules are, to the best of our understanding: a regular player must play a minimum of 5 regular season games with the team to qualify for the playoffs, of which 2 must be played in the first half of the season (the first 11 games). Spare players must have played at least 5 regular season games total for us to be able to use them "unrestricted" in the playoffs. Spares who have played between 4 and 7 games can be used with prior approval from the league.