/* evaluation table style */ /* BORDER COLLAPSE RULES: - "border-style: hidden" has top priority; suppresses others. - "border-style: none" has lowest priority; border is omitted only if all borders at this location are "none". - wider borders take precedence over narrow ones. - if same width: double > solid > dashed > dotted > ridge > outset > groove > inset - of same width and style (only colours differ): td > tr > row group > column > column group > table */ table#evalimages { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } #evalimages td { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; vertical-align: top; padding: 0.5em; } table#evalsummary, table#evaltable { border-collapse: separate; } /* make thicker vertical lines */ #evalsummary td, #evaltable td { } #evalsummary th, #evaltable th { } #evalsummary td, #evalsummary th, #evaltable td, #evaltable th { border-style: solid; border-width: 0 1px 0 1px; /* T R B L */ border-color: ; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; } #evaltable th.evalsupplier a:link, #evaltable th.evalsupplier a:visited { color: ; background-color: inherit; } #evaltable th.evalsupplier a:hover { color: ; background-color: inherit; } /* used in header to set the widths for the columns */ #evaltable th.evalsupplier { width: 22%; } /* left column */ #evalsummary .evaldescr, #evaltable .evaldescr { } /* subtotals: double line above, thick line below */ #evaltable td.evaltotal { border-style: solid; border-width: 2px 0 0 0; /* T R B L */ font-weight: bold; } /* avoid ugly whitespace when cell contains a subtable */ .eval_contains_table { padding: 0; } /* subtable for amounts with and without tax */ table.amttable { width: 100%; border-style: none; border-collapse: collapse; color: inherit; } /* header for dollar amounts */ .amttable th.evalamt { text-align: right; border-style: none; } /* dollar amounts in certain table types */ .amttable .evalamt, #evaltable .evalamt { text-align: right; border-style: none; } /* size of subtable elements */ .evalhalfwidth, .amttable .evalamt { width: 50%; } /* remove the border with left neighbour */ .amttable .evalwithtax { border-style: none none none hidden; /* T R B L */ } /* remove the border with top neighbour */ .amttable .addbelow { border-style: hidden none none none; /* T R B L */ } /* highlighted bg */ #evalsummary .evalspent, #evaltable .evalselected { } /* estimated */ #evalsummary .evalestimated { }